Monday, October 30, 2006

Writers with so called "writer's block" annoy me!

So you're a writer (or at least you claim to be)

Listen pal, if you can't think of something to write, then you're shit at your job which make you NOT A WRITER.

Don't blame an abstract concept for your inability to do what you're paid to do you talentless fuckers.

1 comment:

jmsjoin said...

As I said, I don't know what happened but I kept checking for your new posts and nothing! Now all these and I am going to respond to them.
I have to laugh! I am writer since 9/11. I have had thoughts in my head my entire life and 9/11 gave me the motivation to get off my ass and write about the truth and reality because we don't hear it or get it.
I really don't know about writers block because I just can't stop. In the political world and in the media, in analyzing them there is no shortage of topics.
In fact things are so screwed up you have to pick and chose those that impact people the most.
Quite the fucked up times indeed!
I was on my eighth book and had to stop everything in order to keep up with blogging the day to day inequities as things are on the fast track today.I have a couple free downloads on my sit you may find interesting.