Firstly let me just point out the fucking obvious...Artist?
You slide a fucking bread roll along what can only be described as a fucking sandwich assembly line and fill it with meat and salad. (already sliced!) But you don't even create the sandwich do you?
No, the fucking customer tells you exactly what to put in it. Artist my arse!
Secondly, when I ask you for a £1.99 sub of the day all I want is a £1.99 sub of the day.
NO, I don't want extra meat.
NO, I don't want extra cheese.
NO, I don't want a cookie.
NO, I don't want a bag of crisps.
NO, I don't want a drink.
Minimum wage monkies!
I have to tell you. if you have never eaten a sub from Massachusetts North Shore, you have never had a sub. I'm tempted to go down and buy one to send you.
As you point out, those erector set, prefabricated things are not subs. I went to one once and they already have predetermined amounts of everything. They're terrible.
I don't know how they are over there but listening to you they sure sound the same. Love to see your opinion!
Hi Bud!
Just shut the Fuck up and give me my fake sub, that's what I say! take it easy,
Do you guys celebrate Thanksgiving?
If so Happy Thanksgiving! If not, Fuck you, eat a subway sub. Just kidding of course, take it easy. Jim
Hi Jim,
No, we don't celebrate Thankgiving, but we do have something similar called "harvest festival".
Everybody just gives a few cans of something to charities to help poor families eat.
It is not a family occasion like in America.
I am going to be away for a week with work.
Take care.
Hey man I miss your fucking posts where the hell are you? You on vacation or something? Take it easy!
I see! Just saw your post, I'm a little slow some times! I like your Holiday better! It isn't a family occasion with me either. My son just sent me a picture of him exploding a bunch of ordinance in Afghanistan.
If I can figure out how to do it I'll send it to you. Take it easy!
I miss your fucking opinion, what are you done?
I am a minimum wage Subway monkey. We ask you if you want extra stuff because our managers force us to ask. The point is to suck as much money out of each customer as possible.
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