For being the lowest, most lying-est, two faced, greedy, shady, corrupt, contemptible, whoring-est, worthless, wanked out sleaze-ridden bags of cunt scratchings off a camels hairy asshole ,that have ever slithered their rank, bloated, pus-filled, over stuffed and useless bodies over this godforsaken rock.
There is anal bacteria on pluto that have a higher worth than you bunch of fuckstumps.
I wish you all a good long stay ( preferably for eternity) in the festering cesspool you rectum raiders leaked out of.
Cunts, all of you!
Where did you get that cover? It's great!
It isn't funny but in 2005 when Bush promised more of the same in 2006 I did a post saying just that, We are Fucked.
It's funny but I was just commenting on someone elses site and she was saying the same thing but in reference to their lying facial expressions.
I have to laugh! Looking at your camel thought made me remember something we used to say to assholes like Bushwhen I was in school! May the fleas of a thousand camels feast upon your balls!
I have to agree at least in the environment of today that all politicians are lying assholes but I do still have hopes that they will wake up and put the people and our countries interests first, not theirs!
Pretty good rant, you came back with a vengeance!
Hi Jim,
I found that spoof cover when searching the net a year or so ago.
I have always liked it, so kept it.
I thought it was a fitting tribute to this latest rant.
Take care.
You might get a kick out of this but I always say of bush that he is the only asshole I know that can talk out of both sides of his face while his foot is in his mouth with a shit eating face on his face all the while. He's so full of shit it's coming out of his ears. He does have brown eyes doesn't he!
Speaking of assholes! One day the body parts were having a debate as to who was the most important. The ears said we're the most important because without us you wouldn't hear what was going on.
The eyes said we're the most important because without us you wouldn't be able to see anything.
The brain said I am the most important because without me you wouldn't know what you are seeing or hearing.
The asshole said FuckYou! Without me you would alll be full of shit! Ha! Take care,
Just a question but you said you saved that cover. is there anything beyond cut and paste involved?
Com on Buddy!
Thinking of Politicians such makes me ask what is it they suck? No just kidding I asked this in my post yesterdey but since Bush already heard from that worthless blue ribbon Panel on Iraq with their useless ideas, thinking of those recent kidnappings and escalating violence that will not be quelled, why the fuck are they waiting until after Thanksgiving to discuss it. Do they want more dead Brit's, Iraqi's, and Americans?? What the hell are they waiting for? Iraqi's can't take much more of Bush's so called successes. Everytime they have another success according to Bush, the murders only increase and trust me it will get a hell of a lot worse!I better stop! take care,
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