Thursday, November 29, 2007

Madeline McCann Case Solved

Portuguese Detectives announced today that despite world opinion, they do actually have a clue.

It was:

Colonel Mustard - in the bathroom - with a candlestick holder.


jmsjoin said...

hey man I commented here where is it? I left you a reply on my site too. Heres my E

jmsjoin said...

Oh I see. You're a riot!

PoliShifter said...

I am here via An Average Patriot's blog and am curious as to what happened to you? Did BushCo break down your door and haul you off? Was your blog banned?

You wrote:

"Just to let you know I was deprived of my liberty for some months due to my blog posts. We are living in a police state."

Can you throw a little color on that?

PoliShifter said...

Oh, and the reason I ask is because on my blog I write some controvertial stuff at times and am vehemently anti-Bush, anti-NeoCon, anti-Republican, anti-Conservative.

I live in a semi-state of paranoia that 'they' will someday try to shut my site down, tap my phone, freeze my bank account, etc.

Yesterday when I got home from work there was a helicopter above my house...I had to pause for a momment. It flew off, nothing happened.

With the House Bill passing HR1955 seems to me they will be able to make a case against anyone for being a terorrist if they want to.

Just speaking out against the government can get you labeled as a threat.

Controversial Colin said...


I was banged up for speaking out against arab extremists in the UK.

"inspiring racial hatred"

I am out now, but I must keep my comments clean until the appeal.


It's called freedom of speech fuckers!

jmsjoin said...

Colin that is amazing. we are the enemy because we are aginst the fascist crap going on today. They need the terrorists to further their cause. Oh man!