For fuck's sake people, how hard is it to remember FOUR numbers?
Yet you always get the moron who farts around (and hopefully ends up having their card swallowed) who cannot remember their number.
Old people are the worst...they remember the war in crystal clarity, but it's all a fucking blank with pin numbers.
I am not guilty of forgetting them but have learned to just laugh because whenever you're in a hurry you get behind someone who does. The modern world great huh!
Hey man what's up? I know something must be bothering you. I have to laugh! take care!
I have to tell you I think I alienated some regular commentors with my foul language on my site so Fuck you, I will be myself here. Take care! Jim
Please more ranting Colin. Keep the good rant up!
Hi Colin
Don't hear from you lately. I have been pretty busy. I have been invited to contribute too a political debate and have been getting that going.
Plus I have been involved with another one and invited to another. It is getting busy. Hope all is well! Jim
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